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Mesenchymal Stem Cell Medium Formulations & Implications (2023)

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Mesenchymal Stem Cell Medium Formulations & Implications (2023)

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We embark upon the compelling exploration of the instrumental function played by the mesenchymal stem cell medium in the field of tissue regeneration.

It investigates the potential of these unique adult stem cells and the culture medium that optimizes their proliferation and differentiation towards repair and restoration of damaged tissues in the human body.

The pivotal discovery of the medium that can potentially influence the properties of these stem cells directs the future of regenerative medicine in achieving superior therapeutic strategies for a range of degenerative conditions.

What is Mesenchymal Stem Cell Medium?

Mesenchymal stem cell medium is a type of cell culture medium used to grow and maintain mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in vitro (the lab). MSCs are a type of adult stem cell that can differentiate into a variety of cell types, including bone, cartilage, and fat cells. MSCs are often isolated from various tissues, such as bone marrow, adipose tissue, and umbilical cord tissue, and then expanded in culture using a specialized medium.

The composition of mesenchymal stem cell medium can vary depending on the specific application and the source of the MSCs. However, some common components of MSC medium include:

  • Basal medium: This is a nutrient-rich solution that provides the basic components necessary for cell growth, such as amino acids, vitamins, and minerals.
  • Serum: Fetal bovine serum (FBS) is commonly used as a supplement to provide growth factors and other nutrients that support cell growth and proliferation.
  • Antibiotics: Antibiotics such as penicillin and streptomycin are often added to the medium to prevent bacterial contamination.
  • Growth factors: Various growth factors, such as fibroblast growth factor (FGF) and transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β), can be added to the medium to promote MSC proliferation and differentiation.

Overall, mesenchymal stem cell medium is a crucial component of MSC culture and plays a key role in maintaining the stemness and differentiation potential of these cells in vitro.

Mesenchymal stem cell medium is like a special "soup" made in the lab to help a certain kind of stem cell, called mesenchymal stem cells, grow and multiply. The "soup" has all the nutrients and special ingredients these cells need to stay healthy and do their job. It's really important for scientists who are studying how to use these cells to help treat diseases.

Current Trends with Stem Cell Media

The trend in creating clinical products using mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) is to use xeno-free medium. Xeno-free medium is a type of culture medium that does not contain any animal-derived components, such as fetal bovine serum (FBS), which is commonly used in traditional MSC culture medium. The use of xeno-free medium is important for meeting regulatory requirements for clinical-grade MSCs and for reducing the risk of contamination and immune reactions in patients[1].

Xeno-Free Media

One example of a xeno-free medium is OxiumTMEXO, which was evaluated in a study for its ability to sustain increased production of small extracellular vesicles (sEVs) from MSCs. The study found that OxiumTMEXO displayed a three-fold increase in sEV secretion compared to standard DMEM and a commercially available culture medium developed specifically for sEV production. The higher yield obtained was consistent with several harvest time points.

Another study developed a closed and semi-automated process for passaging and harvesting Wharton's jelly (WJ)-derived MSCs (WJ-MSCs) from multi-layered flasks using counterflow centrifugation. The WJ-MSCs were expanded using regulatory compliant serum-free xeno-free (SFM XF) medium, which showed comparable cell proliferation and morphology to WJ-MSCs expanded in classic serum-containing media.

The use of xeno-free medium in creating clinical products using MSCs is becoming increasingly popular due to its regulatory compliance, reduced risk of contamination and immune reactions, and comparable cell proliferation and morphology to traditional serum-containing media.

What Are the Benefits of Using a Serum-, Xeno-, and Blood-Free Medium for Clinical-Grade sEV's Production

Using a serum-, xeno-, and blood-free medium for clinical-grade sEV's production has several benefits, including:

  • Regulatory compliance: The use of a serum-, xeno-, and blood-free medium meets the regulatory entity requirements of clinical-grade sEV's production.
  • Increased sEV production: A study found that OxiumTMEXO, a regulatory complying medium, displayed a three-fold increase of sEV secretion compared to standard DMEM and a commercially available culture medium developed specifically for sEV production[1].
  • Reduced risk of contamination and immune reactions: The use of a serum-, xeno-, and blood-free medium reduces the risk of contamination and immune reactions in patients.
  • Comparable cell proliferation and morphology: A study found that human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) expanded using regulatory compliant serum-free xeno-free (SFM XF) medium showed comparable cell proliferation and morphology to hMSCs expanded in classic serum-containing media.

In conclusion, using a serum-, xeno-, and blood-free medium for clinical-grade sEV's production is beneficial for regulatory compliance, increased sEV production, reduced risk of contamination and immune reactions, and comparable cell proliferation and morphology.

Understanding Mesenchymal Stem Cell Medium

Composition of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Medium

The stem cell medium, also referred to as the culture medium, is a nutrient-rich liquid that provides the necessary environmental conditions for MSCs to survive and proliferate. It typically includes amino acids, vitamins, minerals, growth factors, hormones, and a carbon source such as glucose. Many standard culture media also contain serum, which offers additional growth factors and nutrients.

Role of different components in Medium

Every component in the culture medium serves a distinct function. Amino acids, for instance, supply the building blocks for protein synthesis, while vitamins and minerals are vital for cellular metabolism and function. Growth factors and hormones simulate the cell's biological processes, encouraging cell propagation and differentiation.

Adjustments to Mesenchymal Stem Cell Medium

Culturing conditions and medium composition can considerably impact the behaviour and function of MSCs. Scientists often customize the culture medium to guide the cells towards a precise differentiation pathway or to enhance their proliferation. Such adjustments might include adding or removing certain growth factors or other components or changing the concentration of specific nutrients.

Process of Tissue Regeneration

What is Tissue Regeneration?

Tissue regeneration is the biological process that allows residing or transplanted cells to replace and repair tissue loss or damage caused by injury, disease, or aging. This process comprises a complex interplay of cellular events, from proliferation and differentiation to migration and remodeling.

Phases of Tissue Regeneration

Tissue regeneration typically involves three major phases – the inflammation phase, the proliferation phase, and the maturation or remodeling phase. The inflammation phase is the initial response to tissue injury, involving immune cells. The proliferation phase follows inflammation, where MSCs and other cells proliferate and begin to differentiate. Subsequently, in the maturation phase, the new tissue gradually remodels to mimic the structural and functional properties of the original tissue.

Factors Influencing Tissue Regeneration

Several factors can influence the efficacy of tissue regeneration, including the severity and extent of tissue damage, the general health and age of the patient, the presence of certain diseases or conditions, and the availability and vitality of stem cells.

How Mesenchymal Stem Cells Contribute to Tissue Regeneration

Mesenchymal Stem Cell Homing

Upon transplantation or following migration from their niche in response to injury, MSCs demonstrate a 'homing' ability. They get attracted towards the site of injury or disease due to the local release of specific biochemical signals. Once at the site, MSCs can participate in tissue repair and regeneration.

Proliferation and Differentiation

MSCs possess a unique ability to self-renew, allowing them to proliferate and form a pool of cells that can replace those lost to injury or disease. They also have the potential to differentiate into specialized cell types, giving them the capacity to regenerate damaged tissues in the right conditions.

Integration into existing Tissue

To contribute to tissue repair, MSCs must integrate into the existing tissue framework. This process requires the cells to adhere and assimilate within the damaged tissue, respond correctly to the surrounding cues, and function congruously with other resident cells.

Role of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Medium in Tissue Regeneration

Providing necessary nutrients for Stem Cell Survival

The culture medium is a significant factor in regenerative medicine as it provides the necessary nutrients, growth factors and hormones required for MSC survival, proliferation and differentiation. By influencing cell behaviour and ensuring their survival, the medium indirectly aids in tissue regeneration.

Stimulating Stem Cell Differentiation

The culture medium can also be tailored to influence MSC differentiation. By adjusting the constituents of the medium, scientists can guide the differentiation of MSCs into desired specific cell types, thereby supporting targeted tissue regeneration.

Culturing of Stem Cells in vitro for Tissue Regeneration

The medium for culturing MSCs in vitro greatly impacts the success of tissue regeneration, in part by maintaining the undifferentiated state of the cells until they are required for transplantation. This in vitro culture system also enables the expansion of MSCs to obtain sufficient cell numbers for effective tissue recovery.

Influence of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Medium on Immunomodulation

Interaction between Mesenchymal Stem Cells and the immune system

MSCs are recognized for their immunomodulatory properties, an ability wherein they interact with various immune cells and alter their function. This influence can subdue inflammatory responses, reduce immune cell proliferation, and induce a more tolerant immune environment, which is typically advantageous for tissue regeneration.

Impact of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Medium on Immunomodulation

The culture medium and its components can impact the immunomodulatory features of MSCs. Certain medium components can enhance these properties, while others may suppress them. Consequently, the medium composition can indirectly affect tissue regeneration through its influence on MSC-mediated immunomodulation.

Regulation of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Medium

Importance of maintaining correct conditions

Maintaining the correct conditions in the culture medium is crucial to ensuring the healthy propagation and function of MSCs. Variables such as pH, temperature, oxygen levels, and nutrient concentration all need to be regulated carefully to provide an optimal environment for MSC growth and differentiation.

Techniques for regulating Mesenchymal Stem Cell Medium

Various techniques are employed to regulate the stem cell culture medium. These may include using pH indicators to monitor and adjust acidity, temperature-controlled incubators to maintain optimal thermal conditions, and regular medium exchange to keep nutrient levels and waste products in balance.

Current Challenges with Mesenchymal Stem Cell Medium

Technical issues with cultivating Mesenchymal Stem Cells

Cultivating MSCs involves various technical challenges. These include maintaining sterility in culture, preventing contamination, providing appropriate physical and biochemical cues to drive desired cell behaviours, and ensuring cell viability post-transplantation.

Uncertainties over optimal Medium Composition

Identifying the optimal medium composition for MSC growth and differentiation remains a challenge. While several medium formulations have been proposed, there is ongoing disagreement over which components and concentrations provide the most favourable conditions.

Challenges in scaling up Mesenchymal Stem Cell production

Scaling up MSC production for clinical use introduces additional challenges, including maintaining quality and consistency across larger cell batches, managing higher costs associated with scaling, and ensuring regulatory compliance.

Clinical Applications of Tissue Regeneration using Mesenchymal Stem Cells

Current treatments using Mesenchymal Stem Cells

Currently, MSCs are being used in various treatments related to bone and cartilage repair, cardiac function recovery, neuronal and spinal cord injuries, and immune-related disorders amongst others. These applications are mainly focused on leveraging the regenerative and immunomodulatory capacities of MSCs.

Potential future applications

The potential future applications of MSCs in regenerative medicine are vast, with ongoing research exploring their use in treating conditions as diverse as liver disease, diabetes, respiratory disorders and even certain types of cancer. MSCs could also be applied in tissue engineering and organ regeneration, given their ability to differentiate into multiple cell types.

Case studies of successful treatments

Several case studies have demonstrated successful clinical outcomes using MSCs. For instance, bone marrow-derived MSCs have been successfully used to repair bone defects, while adipose-derived MSCs have offered promising results in wound healing and tissue regeneration in various clinical trials.

Future of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Medium in Tissue Regeneration

Ongoing research into improving Mesenchymal Stem Cell Medium

Research towards improving MSC culture medium and methods are steadily progressing. Recent approaches focus on creating more physiologically relevant culture conditions, such as employing 3D culture systems, appropriately mimicking in vivo oxygen levels, or using chemically defined, serum-free media.

Potential for personalized Stem Cell treatments

Emerging research indicates the potential for personalized stem cell treatments, wherein a patient's own MSCs are expanded in vitro using a bespoke culture medium tailored to their specific requirements. This approach could potentially enhance the success rate of stem cell therapies.

Expectations for the future of Tissue Regeneration using Mesenchymal Stem Cells

Given the promising findings of current research, the future of tissue regeneration using MSCs looks promising. With continued advancements in MSC culture methods, the development of more effective and personalized treatment strategies is anticipated, offering hope for numerous patients suffering from tissue-related injuries and diseases.


(1) Lo Sicco C, Reverberi D, Pascucci L, Tasso R. A Method for Isolating and Characterizing Mesenchymal Stromal Cell-derived Extracellular Vesicles. Curr Protoc Stem Cell Biol. 2018 Aug;46(1):e55. doi: 10.1002/cpsc.55. Epub 2018 Jun 11. PMID: 29927086.

(2) Yao ZY, Feng BW, Liu CS, Liu YM, Zhou HY, Zhang XH, Jian MQ, Mo JL, Liang YJ, Chen L, Liu XQ, Chen YL, Zhang ZS, He SR. The Application of a Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cell Membrane in the Vascularization of a Decellularized Tracheal Scaffold. Stem Cells Int. 2021 Mar 5;2021:6624265. doi: 10.1155/2021/6624265. PMID: 33747094; PMCID: PMC7960062.

(3) Figueroa-Valdés AI, de la Fuente C, Hidalgo Y, Vega-Letter AM, Tapia-Limonchi R, Khoury M, Alcayaga-Miranda F. A Chemically Defined, Xeno- and Blood-Free Culture Medium Sustains Increased Production of Small Extracellular Vesicles From Mesenchymal Stem Cells. Front Bioeng Biotechnol. 2021 May 26;9:619930. doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2021.619930. PMID: 34124014; PMCID: PMC8187876.

(4) Figueroa-Valdés AI, de la Fuente C, Hidalgo Y, Vega-Letter AM, Tapia-Limonchi R, Khoury M, Alcayaga-Miranda F. A Chemically Defined, Xeno- and Blood-Free Culture Medium Sustains Increased Production of Small Extracellular Vesicles From Mesenchymal Stem Cells. Front Bioeng Biotechnol. 2021 May 26;9:619930. doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2021.619930. PMID: 34124014; PMCID: PMC8187876.

(5) Lam ATL, Jayaraman P, Becker A, Lim R, Teo KL, Ng J, Oh S. Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell Processing for Clinical Applications Using a Closed Semi-Automated Workflow. J Vis Exp. 2023 Mar 17;(193). doi: 10.3791/64707. PMID: 37010295.

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