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Leading Safe & Innovative Treatments: Providing peer-reviewed information about stem cells to help future patients understand the science behind this innovative new medical treatment.
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A Pathway Towards Improved Health & Longevity

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are one of the most researched types of cells for regenerative therapies. MSCs are adult stem cells that have self-renewal, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, signaling, and differentiation properties.

The Power of Stem Cells

These regenerative effects of mesenchymal stem cells make them a potent treatment for a variety of autoimmune and inflammatory medical conditions making our standardized protocol ideal for a wide range of patients.

Strengthen Your Body's Restorative Potential

Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) provide regenerative results by seeking out areas of damage, paracrine signaling, regulating immune responses, and positively affecting human microbiology.

Regulate the Immune System

Viable (live) MSCs can provoke complex immunomodulatory mechanisms that can regulate and "calm" an overactivated immune system seen in many autoimmune conditions.

Locate and reduce areas of inflammation

Studies have shown that, besides their ability to differentiate into distinct cell types, MSCs also exert therapeutic effects by cell “enhancement”, through the release of trophic and anti-inflammatory factors, which may re-establish the physiological environment.

Replace damaged and diseased cells

MSCs find areas of damage through paracrine signaling and can differentiate into a variety of different cell types. This function can improve scarring and potentially increase organ function throughout the body.