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Cord Blood Registry: Exploration & Discussion (2023)

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Cord Blood Registry: Exploration & Discussion (2023)

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Cord Blood Registry (CBR) is a beacon of hope for families looking to secure a healthy future for their children. By preserving the invaluable stem cells found in newborn cord blood and tissue, CBR paves the way for potential life-saving treatments.

The journey of CBR began in 1992, growing over the decades to become the world's largest private newborn stem cell bank.

The essence of CBR lies in its dedication to advancing medical applications of cord blood and cord tissue stem cells, holding a promise of cures for conditions that currently lack solutions​1​.

Key Takeaways:

  • Definition and significance of Cord Blood Registry.
  • Historical growth of CBR since 1992.
  • The essence of cord blood and its medical potential.
  • Services offered by CBR including cord blood and cord tissue storage.
  • CBR's commitment towards clinical advancements.

What is Cord Blood?

Cord blood, the blood remaining in the umbilical cord post birth, is a treasure trove of stem cells capable of treating an array of diseases including certain cancers, blood disorders, and immune system inherited disorders. The uniqueness of cord blood lies in its stem cells, known for their regenerative capabilities, holding the key to potential treatments for around 70 different diseases​3​.

Cord Blood Registry

The inception of Cord Blood Registry in 1992 marked the beginning of a new era in medical science. With over 1 million cord blood and cord tissue samples stored, CBR has earned trust from families globally. The growth trajectory of CBR mirrors the advancing understanding of stem cell potential, making it a reputable name in the realm of newborn stem cell banking​2​.

Diseases Treatable with Cord Blood Stem Cells Examples
Cancers Leukemia, Lymphoma
Blood Disorders Sickle Cell Anemia, Thalassemia
Immune System Disorders Severe Combined Immunodeficiency, Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome

Services Offered by Cord Blood Registry

CBR's services extend beyond mere storage. They encapsulate a vision of harnessing the power of stem cells to address medical challenges. Offering storage of cord blood, cord tissue, or both, CBR stands as a reliable choice for families. The process of banking begins with the collection of cord blood at birth, ensuring a secure and beneficial preservation for potential future medical use​1​​4​.

Geographic Reach

The Cord Blood Registry (CBR) is recognized for its extensive geographic reach with operations extending to more than 35 countries across several regions including North America, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia.

With a network of this scale, CBR has the infrastructure to ship cord blood units internationally, catering to the needs of patients globally.

Quality Standards

CBR adheres to the medical standards outlined by the Foundation for the Accreditation of Cellular Therapy (FACT) for screening all collected cord blood units. The processing methods employed by CBR aim to remove over 90% of red blood cells, which is said to contribute to higher stem cell concentration and viability.

Additionally, CBR conducts tests for sterility and screens for maternal infectious diseases such as HIV, hepatitis, syphilis, and HTLV, as part of its quality control measures to ensure the safety of the cord blood units for transplantation.

Cord Blood Inventory

As per the data available in 2018, CBR's cord blood bank contained over 500,000 unique cord blood units. The collection sites of CBR are spread across North America and Europe, aiding in the acquisition of genetically diverse samples.

A significant portion of the banked cord blood at CBR is reported to come from ethnic minority donors, which is believed to improve the chances of patients finding well-matched units for transplantation.


CBR has a history dating back to 1992, marking the establishment of its private cord blood bank. Over the years, CBR has engaged in research activities, with over 90 peer-reviewed studies on cord blood transplantation published.

The research endeavors at CBR also extend to exploring new cord blood applications in the fields of regenerative medicine and immunotherapy. Through its research efforts, CBR aims to contribute to the industry's understanding and application of cord blood in medical treatments.

Clinical Advancements and Partnerships

Engaging in partnerships with institutions, CBR actively partakes in FDA-regulated clinical trials aiming to explore the clinical applications of cord blood and cord tissue stem cells. This endeavor reflects CBR's commitment to pushing the boundaries of medical science, inching closer to finding cures for conditions currently deemed incurable​1​.

In this segment, the foundation of Cord Blood Registry has been laid down, elucidating its historical growth, the essence of cord blood, and the spectrum of services it offers. As we venture further, we will delve deeper into the benefits and risks associated with cord blood banking, shedding light on its cost and feasibility, and providing a comparative analysis to offer a well-rounded perspective.

Benefits and Risks of Cord Blood Banking

Embarking on the journey of cord blood banking involves a blend of optimism and practical considerations. The primary allure lies in the stem cells' potential to treat a multitude of diseases, offering a sort of biological insurance for the future. However, it's prudent to weigh the benefits against the risks.


  • Medical Potential: The stem cells in cord blood can be a lifesaver, instrumental in treating over 70 diseases including leukemia, lymphoma, and some inherited metabolic disorders​1​.
  • Ease of Collection: The collection process is simple and painless, done shortly after birth.
  • Genetic Match Guarantee: Cord blood guarantees a perfect genetic match for the child and a high likelihood of a match for siblings.
  • Immediate Availability: The stored cord blood is readily available for treatment, eliminating the waiting time typical of public donations.


  • Cost: The upfront cost of cord blood banking can be substantial, along with annual storage fees.
  • Limited Usage: The amount of cord blood collected may not be sufficient for treatment, especially in adults.
  • Uncertain Future Benefits: The future potential of cord blood stem cells is promising but not guaranteed.

The decision to bank cord blood catapults families into a proactive health frontier. It's akin to having a personalized medical reserve, ready to spring into action when faced with certain health adversities, thus underscoring a newfound peace of mind amidst the unpredictable nature of life's health challenges.

Cost and Feasibility

The financial aspect of cord blood banking is a critical consideration for families. The initial collection and processing fee can range significantly, followed by annual storage charges. While the cost might seem steep, many families find the potential future health security to be worth the investment. Various payment plans and financial assistance programs are available to ease the burden.

Cost Component Estimated Cost
Initial Collection and Processing $1,500 - $2,500
Annual Storage Fee $150 - $250

The financial commitment to cord blood banking is also an investment in medical science. Every stored sample contributes to a growing reservoir of stem cells, bolstering the continuous research and potentially hastening the discovery of new treatments for a broader spectrum of diseases, thereby echoing a larger ethos of communal health advancement.

Bridging Today’s Medical Needs with Tomorrow’s Medical Advancements

The role of Cord Blood Registry transcends the present. By banking cord blood and tissue, families are not just addressing today’s medical needs but are stepping into a realm of potential future medical advancements. As research progresses, the list of treatable conditions with cord blood stem cells is poised to expand, reinforcing the foresight in banking with CBR.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do hospitals do with cord blood?

Hospitals play a pivotal role in the collection and storage of umbilical cord blood, primarily directing it to public cord blood banks. This stored cord blood is a crucial source of stem cells, which are utilized in stem cell transplants to combat various blood and immune system diseases. Conditions such as leukemia, lymphoma, and anemia can be treated using the stem cells harvested from cord blood, making this practice a significant endeavor in the medical field.

What are the benefits of storing the placenta?

Currently, there is no medically proven benefit to storing the placenta post birth. However, certain cultures have traditional or nutritional practices surrounding the placenta. Some mothers choose to encapsulate and ingest their placentas believing it has nutritional benefits, although science does not support this belief.

Can parents use baby's cord blood?

Absolutely, parents have the option to store their baby's cord blood in private cord blood banks for potential future use within their family. This stored cord blood can become a vital resource if the child or a family member develops a condition treatable with cord blood stem cells. The accessibility of privately banked cord blood can be a reassurance for families, creating a personalized medical safety net.

What are the disadvantages of donating cord blood?

Public cord blood donation carries minimal disadvantages. However, there could be instances where the cord blood may not be usable due to certain medical conditions in the mother or baby, or if there's inadequate collection. It's essential to have a thorough understanding and consultation regarding the donation process to ensure the viability and usability of the donated cord blood.

Is cord blood a mother or baby?

Cord blood is indeed the baby's; it contains the baby's stem cells. The blood circulates through the umbilical cord, creating a vital connection between the baby and the placenta during pregnancy, and providing a rich source of stem cells post birth.

What cultures eat placenta?

Certain practices in traditional Chinese medicine involve the use of dried human placenta. Placentophagy, or the act of mammals eating the placenta post birth, is common across many species, but it's not a standard practice in human cultures.

Why do moms save the placenta?

Apart from cultural or traditional beliefs, some mothers opt to save their placentas for encapsulation and ingestion, assuming nutritional benefits, although there's no scientific backing for this practice. Others may save it for ceremonial purposes, showcasing the diverse beliefs and practices surrounding the placenta post birth.

What doctors do with placenta after birth?

Post birth, doctors usually discard the placenta as medical waste, following a thorough examination to ensure it's intact and no remnants remain in the uterus. However, some obstetricians may allow families to take the placenta home for cultural reasons if desired, reflecting the medical community's respect for diverse cultural practices and beliefs.

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